The Imaginari Fellowship
Where Teachers ReimagineTeaching
How can teachers reimagine education?


Theodore Richards, PhD - Educator & Philosopher
Theodore Richards, co-founder of the Imaginari Fellowship, is the founder of The Chicago Wisdom Project.
He has taught in various settings, from graduate school to afterschool programs on the south side of Chicago . He is the author of eight books and numerous literary awards, including two Nautilus Book Awards and three Independent Publisher Awards. His most recent work is Reimagining the Classroom. He lives on the south side of Chicago with his wife and three daughters .
Learn More About Theodore 
Seth Biderman, MA, Ed.S - Educator & Leader
Seth Biderman, co-founder of the Imaginari Fellowship, is a former teacher, principal, and manager of the Institute of Teaching at the Academy for the Love of Learning.
A graduate of the public schools of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Seth has taught at every grade level, from preschool to college, and led schools in Santa Fe and Washington, DC. He has published essays on education in Hechinger Report, The Voyager, The Educator’s Room, and elsewhere. Seth currently lives in DC with his wife and daughter.
Learn More About Seth